Tuesday, June 14, 2011


         When I was seventeen years old, I had a funny experience. I went shopping with my friends Park and Kim. Park said “ I am very bored. Let ;s play a game.” She suggested playing “Rambo game” Rambo game is acting and making a sound like the movie “Rambo” we chose a Rambo with the rock scissor paper. I was the loser, so I acted like Rambo in the subway. I folded my three fingers, middle, ring, and pinky like a gun shape. Then I moved to middle of the subway and made a sound like the Rambo. “Doo Doo Doo Doo~”. Gun sounds. Everybody stared at me and laughed. I was really embarrassed, so I ran to the nest carriage of the subway. This was the funniest and unforgettable experience in my life. Though it was embarrassing, sometimes I was the moment and I want to go back to that time.

Dead Poets Society

Dead Poets Society
Option #1
Read the following quote by Professor John Keating from the movie Dead Poets Society. What do you
think it means? Explain.

       When I was young, I saw this movie. I remember, I was cry cry. That movie is my favorite movies one of them because at that time I was considers about changed my major.  I was not happy. Why I have to study this thing. I do not like it, but my parent expect to me to success my life carrier. That way I have to study, but I was decided my way! One of strong reason is that movie.
 I stand upon my desk to remind myself that we must constantly look at things a different way. The
world looks very different up here . . . Just when you think you think you know something you
have to look at it in another way . . . When you read, don’t just consider what the author thinks,
you must consider what you think
I think this quote is right. Don’t think about other think. You have to think what are you want to your life. My life is mine. Not another person’s life.  I decided to change my job. I quit my job and then I decided to study other thing. Also, I decided to study in America!  Now, I am run to my dream. Maybe I can not do or maybe I can do. I just following my inside voice.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


   I took a TOFEL test this Friday. It was really difficult for me. I was too nervous during the test. I could not concentrate it.
First, listing part, time is too fast. I cannot think about the answer. Just do it do it. If I consider about the answer just few seconds, immediately another Q was stared.
Second part is Grammar section. I hate it. Grammar part was everything corrects answer or wrong answer for me. I could not find correct answer. I do not know. What should I do?  Grammar section is 25 minutes. I have to figure out during the 25minute for fourth Q. GEE...!
Last part is Reading. I could not finish the all of Q because time is too short for me. I was just marking the number. Reading topic was difficult than before the test. Topic was Science and American's culture and some method. I do not remember exactly.
By the way, I have to pass the TOFEL test. Now, I pray for pass the test.  Everybody! Can you pray for me? I do not care about Christian, Buda, and Allah
Please pass the test.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

13 Friday

Today! Friday 13
 Do you know what happened to me? Let me explain to you (readers).
When I finished my school, host mom picked me up. We went to shopping.
I was looking around shopping mall. We were try hat also put some make up on it.
We were something put on funny stuff in face. We were took a picture. So for …going well.
Until that time! I was great time (afternoon ummm …6pm) .  Boom!!! it was starting! Worst thing!!!!!

I arrived at home. I turned on my wonderful red a computer, but suddenly! It was not turned it on. I tried to calm down.  First, I turned off the computer and then I tried turning it on again. I was waiting waiting waiting…. It was not working.   I took a battery and then turned it on, but it was same. I could not open it!  GOSH!!!!

I had all important information in my computer.  All of my picture, drawing stuff and homework.
Still I cannot open it. What should I do? I do not know…
How can upload my writing? I just use my host dad a computer.
However, I really need the fix my computer. Can you help me?!
By the way
Today is really 13 Friday to me.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


      I never woke up early on Sunday but, today, I stranded up suddenly because today is Mother’s Day. I didn’t buy the gift because I want to buy hand massage machine, but all of store didn’t have the machine or the machine was sold out. I was under a lot of stress buy the gift. Of course, I do not have to buy the gift but, I want to buy the gift for my wonderful host mom. She is my America mom who is I have two mom my real mom and my beautiful American mom. She has been a friend and the mom I have ever known.

                                            Here she is                                                            

     We played a game and we had made a BBQ. We were talked to each other. All of family came to the home. I love my family. Of course, today is mother’s day also, family day.


     Today, I made new memories. I think that making precious memories is important because they remain with you a long time.

                                                       Happy Mother's Day 

Saturday, April 23, 2011

I live in Riverside with my host mom( Dee) and daddy(Rich) and my room-mate(Park). Also, my friend, Pixie she is the cutest in the world Chihuahua. She has a white long hair and she has long tail. She’s just 2 pound which means tiny tiny small a doggy. When I first met her, she was not friendly for me. Most doggies, they are so friendly. They don’t care. First met the people or not. When people give to food, they are right away come to the people, but Pixie was not.  She is more like a cat. Moreover, she doesn’t like kids and loudly person. If someone visits my house, she’s always behind the curtain or under the bed. She’s afraid a stranger because I think, she’s so small. Also, she has many talents. First, she can play the piano. Can not believe what I am saying? If you want to see, Visit my house!

My name is Pixie
Second, she can jump the hula hoop and she can dance, acting like market, she has many talents. Do you wondering? Next time will be continue…. ^-----^